Senin, 30 Agustus 2010


1. Subject + like(s) + better than + noun

2. Subject + prefer(s) + noun + to + noun

3. Subject + would rather + verb1 + than + verb2

4. Subject + would prefer to + verb1 + rather than + verb1

Untuk bentuk past

- Subject + would rather have + verb3 + than + verb3

- Subject + would prefer to have + verb3 + rather than + verb3


A : How much is your salary?

B : i would rather not to tell you

A : could we go home now?

B : i would rather stay here than go home now.

4 komentar:

  1. kok sedikit amat,, tambahin noteny ya biar banyak... ^_^

  2. heemm, itu kan cuma polanya aja. oke insya allah nanti ditambahin yah. :)

  3. dude, the material of preferences is hard for me, there are a lot of pattern. can you give me a simple one?
    thanks before....
